Friday, September 10, 2010

My new not so secret little passion!

I joined the ranks of motherhood three years ago when I had my first son Elijah. I like a lot of mom's had no idea there was an option other than disposables. I of course knew my mom used the old fashioned cloth diapers with pins and plastic pants on me when I was a baby, but didn't consider that an option for myself. I knew I wanted no part of swishing poo covered diapers in a toilet bowl. Well, my second son came along in January of this year and on one of our very first visits to our home town to visit with our parents I was chatting with my father in law and he was telling me how cloth diapers aren't that bad. So he got me thinking, and when we got back home I got on the Internet and started researching cloth diapers. Wow, I was amazed at all the information and the different kinds of diapers. I learned about all the different kinds, pockets, all in ones, prefolds, fitteds and hybrids. So now I decided I wanted to try them. I could see what a savings this would be for my family, not to mention how CUTE they were! One of the very first sites I pulled up on the Internet was what a great site! I started to research what kinds of diapers other moms liked the best and one that was mentioned a lot was the Bum genius brand made by cottonbabies so I ordered one and I was in love! This diaper became my go to diaper for night time! I tried a few other brands which I really like also but this is hands down my favorite day and night time diaper! I have never had a leak after 14 hours straight! I am still new on my cloth diapering adventure but it has been so fun and has changed my life in other ways too. I am now recycling more and being conscious of water consumption and taking my own grocery bags to the store (when I remember). I cannot believe what an impact cloth diapering has had on our family! It is for sure my new favorite passion or should I say addiction. I am so glad I decided to step out on a limb and try it!

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